A frequently asked question is: What does Biomaterial mean?

7 de febrero de 2022

Although the word "Bio" is very common in the world of food and life sciences, the word "Bio" also refers to products related to sustainability.

Although the word "Bio" is very common, especially in the world of food or related to biological sciences, with the word "Bio" we also refer to products related to sustainability, to the responsible use of existing materials and that well combined and provided give rise to new materials 100% biodegradable but with totally innovative properties and that in many cases can replace more polluting materials in a much more responsible way.


These new materials are the fruit of the research of scientists, institutions, students, etc. But above all, they are the result of a new way of understanding things, a new trend that challenges everything that has been established up to now. The search for answers to questions that until now had no raison d'être and that nobody asked.


Nobody doubts anymore that the resources of our planet have a limit. Limits that we all know have reached a very worrying level, so the general interest of part of the research is focused on finding solutions to our consumption habits. 


Consumption habits that, without realizing it, integrate protocols that systematically discard a series of products that, due to their low industrial or nutritional value, are not suitable for use and are consequently discarded and destroyed.


Among many examples we can mention the "waste" of the food industry, where thousands of eggshells, fruit shells or fruit skins go directly to waste, without thinking of a second chance.


It is here where Biomaterials find their raison d'être, why not look for what we can do with all this waste?


Perhaps or maybe, cooked, combined, mixed, etc. these materials can offer another service to the community.


This is where "Agro" is born, a brand specialized in investigating "Second chances" to these materials, so that properly conditioned, they can offer or even replace other materials in a more sustainable and responsible way. 


With the Agro Biomaterials Kit, we make available in a nice, easy and very entertaining way "An experiment" so that young and not so young, can make their own Biomaterial and can also experiment with all kinds of organic materials and thus contribute to research.


All the results can find their place in the Instragram profile @agro.biomaterials. Where many Kit Agro users post their results.

Alternativas sostenibles
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